Add GitHub Repository to DBeaver CE Secured with SSH Protocol


GitHub is a good addition to DBeaver Community Edition (CE). It allows to store scripts and other files in source control. Even with some limitations in DBeaver CE, GitHub full functionality can be utilized. There are varieties of ways connecting GitHub to DBeaver CE. SSH protocol provides with enhanced security and seamlessly integrated with DBeaver CE. In some cases, it can work when HTTPS one might be problematic.

The article uses DBeaver 21.1.0 CE installed in Windows.

1. Prerequisite. Create SSH key

Follow Create SSH Key in DBeaver CE article.

2. Prerequisite. Install DBeaver Git extension

Follow Install DBeaver CE Git Extension article.

3. Open File menu and select Import menu item

DBeaver Import Menu Item

4. Expand Git node and select any item, for example, Projects from Git

DBeaver Import Wizard Select

5. Select Clone URI

DBeaver Import Wizard Select Repository Source

6. Go to your repository in GitHub and copy SSH URL

GitHub Repository Copy SSH URL

7. Return back to DBeaver and click Next

8. Paste SSH URL to URI field. The rest of fields will be filled out automatically

Leave Password field empty.

DBeaver Import Wizard Source Git Repository

9. Accept and store key

DBeaver Import Wizard Accept Store Key

10. Confirm creating of know_hosts file

DBeaver Import Wizard Confirm Adding to known_hosts File

11. Key in passphrase

DBeaver Import Wizard Enter Keyphrase

12. Select branch to import

DBeaver Import Wizard Import Branch Selection

13. Pick up a destination directory or accept default one

DBeaver Import Wizard Local Destination

14. Select a wizard for importing your project

A general project should work for many cases.

DBeaver Import Wizard Importing Projects

15. Final confirmation

DBeaver Import Wizard Final Confirmation

16. Switch to Projects tab to see the imported project

DBeaver Switch to Projects Tab


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