Notas soltas sobre coisas técnicas (e não só).
Please note that most of the content of the posts found in this blog have been copied from other websites, therefore the credits should go to their publishers. The original websites addresses are included in each such post.
I'm often filling in multiple of the same date in a row, and it would be useful If I didn't have to open up AutoFill options to change it to Copy Cells every time.
In DBeaver, "Ctrl+/" is the default shortcut to Toggle Line Comments. However, in keyboards without a dedicated / key, this may not work out of the box. In my case, the / is obtained with "Shift+7", which means I'd need to set "Ctrl+Shit+7" as the shortcut, which DBeaver uses by default as the shortcut to "Activate results/panel": So, to set enable the Toggle Line Comments, I needed to remove the "Activate results/panel" configuration from the Preferences and I'm now able to use "Ctrl+Shit+7" for the Toggle Line Comments.
From DBeaver 6.0 Shortcuts - Cacher Snippet CTRL + ENTER = Executes SQL. CTRL + ALT + ENTER = In Editor, inits statement templates ALT + X = Executes All queries in current editor CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + X = Execute a script opening each query results in a separate tab CTRL + ] = New SQL Editor Windows CTRL + SHIFT + F = Format SQL CTRL + 9 = Set active connection CTRL + 0 = Set active Schema CTRL + 6 = Toggle Results Panel CTRL + SHIFT + 6 = Maximize Results Panel Tab (when a datarow is selected) = Toggle vertical view CTRL + Alt + Right/Left (When in vertical view) = Browse rows CTRL + SPACE = To perform some object name auto-complete F4 = To open current object (under cursor) definition From Shortcuts · dbeaver/dbeaver Wiki · GitHub Here is a complete list of default hotkeys in DBeaver UI for Windows, Linux, and macOS users. It will help you work in DBeaver faster and more efficiently. Remember that you can always change the keyboard shortcut in the DBeaver settings. ...
From Add GitHub Repository to DBeaver CE Secured with SSH Protocol - tech jogging Add GitHub Repository to DBeaver CE Secured with SSH Protocol Date 2021-06-14 Views 2579 Category DBeaver , Git GitHub is a good addition to DBeaver Community Edition (CE). It allows to store scripts and other files in source control. Even with some limitations in DBeaver CE, GitHub full functionality can be utilized. There are varieties of ways connecting GitHub to DBeaver CE. SSH protocol provides with enhanced security and seamlessly integrated with DBeaver CE. In some cases, it can work when HTTPS one might be problematic. The article uses DBeaver 21.1.0 CE installed in Windows. 1. Prerequisite. Create SSH key Follow Create SSH Key in DBeaver CE article. 2. Prerequisite. Install DBeaver Git extension Follow Install DBeaver CE Git Extension article. 3. Open File menu and select Import menu item 4. Expand Git node and select any item, for example, Projects...
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