MySQL - How to find gaps in sequential numbering in mysql

 From a reply found here: sql - How to find gaps in sequential numbering in mysql? - Stack Overflow


 CONCAT(z.expected, IF(>z.expected, CONCAT(' thru ',, '')) AS missing
  @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS expected,
  IF(@rownum=YourCol, 0, @rownum:=YourCol) AS got
  (SELECT @rownum:=0) AS a
  JOIN YourTable
  ORDER BY YourCol
 ) AS z

Note that the order of columns expected and got is critical.

If you know that YourCol doesn't start at 1 and that doesn't matter, you can replace

(SELECT @rownum:=0) AS a


(SELECT @rownum:=(SELECT MIN(YourCol)-1 FROM YourTable)) AS a

If you need to perform some kind of shell script task on the missing IDs, you can also use this variant in order to directly produce an expression you can iterate over in bash.

SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(IF(>z.expected, CONCAT('$(',z.expected,' ',,')'), z.expected) SEPARATOR " ") AS missing
FROM (  SELECT   @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS expected,   IF(@rownum=height, 0, @rownum:=height) AS got  FROM   (SELECT @rownum:=0) AS a   JOIN block   ORDER BY height  ) AS z WHERE!=0;

This produces an output like so

$(seq 1 99) $(seq 666 667) 50000 $(seq 66419 66456)

You can then copy and paste it into a for loop in a bash terminal to execute a command for every ID

for ID in $(seq 1 99) $(seq 666 667) 50000 $(seq 66419 66456); do
  echo $ID
  # fill the gaps

It's the same thing as above, only that it's both readable and executable. By changing the "CONCAT" command above, syntax can be generated for other programming languages. Or maybe even SQL.


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