
Showing posts from 2021

How to customize the Excel (and Office) Ribbon

  Customizing the 2007 Office Fluent Ribbon for Developers (Part 1 of 3) | Microsoft Docs (...) To create an Excel workbook that is macro-enabled Start Excel 2007. Click the  Developer  tab, and then click  Visual Basic . Note If you do not see the  Developer  tab, you must identify yourself as a developer. To do this in your application, click the  Microsoft Office Button , click Application  Options , click  Popular , and then select  Show Developer Tab in the Ribbon . This is a global setting that identifies you as a developer in all Office applications that implement the Fluent UI. In the Visual Basic Editor, double-click ThisWorkbook to open the  Code  window. Type the following VBA function, and then click the Excel icon in the left corner of the toolbar to return to Excel. VB Copy Sub MyMacro( ByVal control as IRibbonControl) MsgBox( "Hello World" ) End Sub Save the document as a macro-enabled workbook with the f...

Keepass - Open a database stored in Google Drive

Steps Get the link to the file from Google Drive (make sure the file is available to everyone with the link). You'll get something like this: <file_id> /view?usp=sharing Transform the URL into this: <file_id> In Keepass, go to File -> Open URL and input in the URL field the above link Unlock the database with its Master Key

Add KanBan style task manager to Outlook

Check this page:  GitHub - evrenvarol/outlook-taskboard: Kanban Board for Microsoft Outlook Tasks

Icons automatically pinned to taskbar after every reboot in Windows 10

From From this documentation: In my case I find: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\LayoutModification.xml here i have this line: CustomTaskbarLayoutCollection PinListPlacement="Replace" -> the items in this PinList will be pinned to the taskbar on every logon (through explorer.exe as far I understand). Even if I remove the items and logon again with same profile the items will be pinned aside manually pinned items. The part of the xml that defines the StartMenu will only apply on first logon.

How to generate .key and .crt file from JKS file for httpd apache server

From How to generate .key and .crt file from JKS file for httpd apache server Here is what I do, First export the key ( on windows with a jdk ): keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore mycert.jks -destkeystore keystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 For apache ssl certificate file you need certificate only ( using cygwin ): openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nokeys -out my_key_store.crt For ssl key file you need only keys ( using cygwin ): openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nocerts -nodes -out my_store.key

Passerelle pour alarme RSI Videofied vers MQTT

From   Ayant acheté une maison avec une alarme RSI Videofied (W250CTC), cette alarme est capable de se connecter en wifi et en ethernet. J’ai donc cherché s’il y avait des APIs ou quelque chose me permettant de l’intégrer à ma domotique sous Home Assistant . Malheureusement, je n’ai rien trouvé. On peut juste la connecter à un télésurveilleur ou en télémaintenance. Toujours pas possible de la connecter à ma domotique. Par curiosité, j’ai quand même tracé ce que l’alarme envoyait comme info (car il y avait déjà une configuration vers une télésurveillance). A ma grande surprise, j’ai pu voir des choses passées en clair sur le réseau. J’ai donc démarré un simple serveur tcp en python et changer la configuration de mon alarme pour qu’elle puisse envoyer de l’info à ce serveur. Au fil de mes recherches, je suis tombé sur le site expliquant qu’il y avait une ...

How to Convert CDs to MP3s Using VLC Player

From How to Convert CDs to MP3s Using VLC Player By Andrew Schrader VLC Media Player is a free cross-platform audio and video player and transcoder provided by VideoLAN, a non-profit organization. VLC supports playback and conversions of dozens of input and output formats, including VCDs, DVDs and audio CDs. Ripping your CD to MP3 in VLC is moderately easy; however, it will only convert one song at a time. Note that VLC is not automatically set up for specific conversions, so you must set it up manually. If converting for a certain program or portable device, consult your specific user manual for any MP3 specifications before you begin. Step 1 Launch VLC Media Player. Insert your audio CD into your disc drive. Click out of any pop-up windows if your computer recognizes the disc. Step 2 Click the "Media" tab in the top-left corner of VLC's main screen. Select the "Convert/Sav...

How to securely store Connection String details in VBA

From How to securely store Connection String details in VBA Asked 10 years, 10 months ago Active 4 years, 2 months ago Viewed 23k times 14 13 I have an Excel Template that has hardcoded Ms Access MDB path in the VBA code used to connect to the Access tables and save, retrieve data. I migrated the MS Access Database over to SQL Server with Integrated Authentic...

How to Create a Shortcut for Any "Modern" Windows App

From How to Create a Shortcut for Any "Modern" Windows App With Windows 10, lots of built-in apps (like the calculator) are now “Modern UI” apps. Other Modern UI apps (like Netflix) are a lot more useful now that you can run them in a window. There’s just one problem: There’s no obvious way to make shortcuts of these apps so you can put them on your desktop, or start them with an app like Launchy . Luckily, there is a hidden way: Open File Explorer and paste the following in the address bar: %windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{4234d49b-0245-4df3-b780-3893943456e1} Press Enter. You should be greeted with a secret folder containing a bunch of random apps and actions. Find the Modern app you want to create a shortcut to. Right-click on it and choose “Create shortcut”. It’ll show up on your desktop. From there, you can do whatever you want with the shortcut—leave it on your desktop for qu...

Restart Windows 10 keeping the applications open

To restart Windows 10 keeping the application open, use "shutdown /g" from a command prompt. Details below:  Usage: shutdown [/i | /l | /s | /r | /g | /a | /p | /h | /e | /o] [/hybrid] [/soft] [/fw] [/f]     [/m \\computer][/t xxx][/d [p|u:]xx:yy [/c "comment"]]     No args    Display help. This is the same as typing /?.     /?         Display help. This is the same as not typing any options.     /i         Display the graphical user interface (GUI).                This must be the first option.     /l         Log off. This cannot be used with /m or /d options.     /s         Shutdown the computer.     /r         Full shutdown and restart the computer.     /g         Full shutdown and restart the computer. ...

Keyboard Shortcut to "Toggle Line Comments" in DBeaver

In DBeaver, "Ctrl+/" is the default shortcut to Toggle Line Comments. However, in keyboards without a dedicated / key, this may not work out of the box. In my case, the / is obtained with "Shift+7", which means I'd need to set "Ctrl+Shit+7" as the shortcut,  which DBeaver uses by default as the shortcut to "Activate results/panel": So, to set enable the Toggle Line Comments, I needed to remove the "Activate results/panel" configuration from the Preferences and I'm now able to use "Ctrl+Shit+7" for the Toggle Line Comments.

Change Office 2019 Theme to Black

From: You could try to navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common in Registry Editor, then modify the registry key value.  Please note, before you modify it, back up the registry for restoration in case problems occur. If you need to set Black as Theme color, you may enter 4 as the Value Data. (Colorful is 0, Dark Grey is 3, Black is 4 and White is 5) Then you may check whether this issue persists. 

Windows - Reset Offline Files Database

Check Before executing these steps make sure all critical files have been synced with Sync Center back the the redirected folder share. This will delete all local data in the cache. Unsynced files will be lost forever. Start RegEdit.exe with elevated permissions Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\CSC\Parameters Create new REG_DWORD key with name FormatDatabase with value of 1 Reboot the client and log in with admin account. After reboot check “Offline Files” control panel by going to View your offline files Also, check the following path in the registry:      HKLM\software\Policies\MicrosoftWindows\NetCache\AssignedOfflineFolders Remove any assigned folders in this path Also, check this: Remove "Make Available Offline" command This policy setting prevents users from making network files and folders available offline. If you enable this policy setting, users cannot designate files to be saved on their c...