
Showing posts from October, 2014

[Shared Post] Windows, XAMPP, and CYGWIN

Windows, XAMPP, and CYGWIN February 13, 2010 Tech I’ve really been geeking-out lately setting up a couple virtual servers for recreation development. I’ve had my Linux VPS up and running for quite some time, with all the bells and whistles I could ever want. Until recently I have never really felt the necessity for a Windows server. Of course when I finally did, I gave myself a pat on the back for deciding to go virtual a long time ago. I simply created a new virtual machine, installed Windows, and went to town… The first thing to mention is that I am a novice when it comes to system administration on Windows. So as any Linux enthusiast would, I went looking for some open-source help. Of course a friend of mine showed me that  XAMPP for Windows  works pretty pain-free and runs native, which is perfect for a testing environment. So I downloaded and installed, and everything went smooth. Then that same friend gave me a great article regarding  XAMPP security . I w...

Compress folders into separate files using WinRar (using bat file)

To use the front-end, check this post . Use something like this: for /D %f in (" <main_path>\ *") do ( @echo %f "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe" a -ep1 " <main_path>\ %~nf.rar" "%f" ) This will produce one archive per sub-folder, naming each archive as the sub-folder.

Creating custom Shell Folders

<quotation begins>   Hi, I didn't find a good custom shell folder tutorial with the right registry settings, so I share mine with a Desktop icon, a Start Menu entry and a Folder Option checkbox. This custom shell folder is usable in Explorer (browsable like My Documents) {4c64f810-31ec-11db-a98b-0800200c9a66} is a ClassID given by a GUID generator. You can call this custom shell folder by his ClassID. ex. : "explorer /e,::{4c64f810-31ec-11db-a98b-0800200c9a66}" If you know how to add a checkbox in Display Properties same as My Documents got, please tell me. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; Custom shell folder name : "Home" ( REG_EXPAND_SZ ) [ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{ 4c64f810 - 31ec - 11db - a98b - 0800200c9a66 }] @= hex ( 2 ): 48 , 00 , 6F , 00 , 6D , 00 , 65 , 00 , 00 , 00 "SortOrderIndex" = dword : 00000047 ; Custom shell folder icon : "%SystemRoot%\\system32\\SHELL32.dll,150" ( REG_EXPAND_SZ ) [ HKEY...