VBA Excel Ribbon Controls
From VBA Ribbon - Controls (bettersolutions.com) Controls box Represents a collection of controls on a custom Ribbon. button Represents a button on a custom Ribbon. buttonGroup Represents a group of button controls on a Ribbon. checkBox Represents a check box control on a Ribbon. comboBox Represents a combo box on a custom Ribbon. contextMenus Represents a shortcut menu when you right mouse click. control Represents a built-in control on a custom Ribbon. dialogBoxLauncher Represents the dialog box launcher in the bottom right corner of a group. dropDown Represents a list of items that a user can choose from and a list of Ribbon buttons that a user can click. dynamicMenu Represents a menu that can be populated with controls at run-time. editBox Represents an edit box on a Ribbon. gallery Represents a control that displays a menu of RibbonDropDownItem objects and RibbonButton controls. group Represents a group of controls on a Ribbon tab. item Represents a static gallery, drop...