
Showing posts from December, 2018

How to change number format for all users?(Windows 10)

From (...) For the  current user and all future users  that will be added, it is enough to change the setting in  Control Panel → Region → Additional settings , change  Decimal symbol , and click OK. For  existing user profiles , if there are too many to manually repeat this operation for each one, you could set up a Login script that does the operation. Create a registry  .reg  file with the required registry changes, say that it is named  changedecimal.reg  and contains : Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International] "sDecimal"="." Then do the following : In the Windows Start menu, enter  Edit group policy In the Local Group Policy Editor, navigate to  User Configuration > Windows Settings > Scripts . Double-click  Logon Click  Add... Click  Browse... ...