
Showing posts from August, 2017

Compare (Diff) branches in Tortoise Git, or how to preview changes before doing a merge

From "" Compare (Diff) branches in Tortoise Git, or how to preview changes before doing a merge 06.11.2012  BY  MIROW · 4 COMMENTS I’ve recently switched over from  SVN  to  Git  in my version control. I’m a Windows user who’s used  TortoiseSVN , so I was glad when I found out about TortoiseGit, which presents a very similar user interface to good ol’ TortoiseSVN. Still, there was lots to learn, as Git has a fundamentally different logic in storing the repository, both locally and remotely. Committing changes is a two step process unlike SVN’s single step. Anyway, when doing software development in a project with several developers developing many braches, it’s sometimes nice to be able to take ‘sneak peek’ into the future and see what will happen when the branches are finally merged to one. So how do you answer the question ...

How to Buy Bitcoin and store it on a paper wallet in 7 steps

From "" To put Bitcoin on my paper wallet: 1. I purchase a Bitcoin from the Coinbase exchange 2. I use a secure external site to generate the BIP 38 Encrypted Bitcoin Paper Wallet obtaining a public and private key. 3. I go to my coin base account, and send my Bitcoin to the public address. It is then removed from Coinbase and store on the paper wallet (is that correct?). 4. To confirm the process, I then paste the public key into to confirm the transaction has been made To use the Bitcoin on my paper wallet: 1. I go to my wallet (it could be coinbase or somethine else). I generate a new public key for that wallet to receive my Bitcoin on the paper wallet 2. I go to and insert my private key to send to my wallet. 3. It can then be spent.

Mysql Character set when loading data from file

If you get strange characters when loading data from a file using LOAD DATA INFILE, even if the character set of the DB or table is utf8, try this: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/path/pet.txt' INTO TABLE pet CHARACTER SET UTF8 ; It worked for me... From and