
Showing posts from August, 2016

Oracle SQL Developer and PostgreSQL

From Oracle SQL Developer surely does support connections to PostgreSQL. download JDBC driver for Postgres ( ) in SQL Developer go to  Tools → Preferences ,  Database → Third Party JDBC Drivers  and add the jar file (see  for step by step example) now just make a new  Database Connection  and instead of  Oracle , select  PostgreSQL  tab Edit : If you have different user name and database name, one should specify in hostname :  hostname/database?  (do not forget  ? ) or  hostname:port/database? . (thanks to @kinkajou and @Kloe2378231; more details on ).

SQL Developer 4.1 and SSH Tunnels (useful if you use mysql with ssh)

Found here: SQL Developer 4.1 and SSH Tunnels 21 JUNE 2015  on  sqldev ,  ssh In a presentation by  krisrice  and  thatjeffsmith  at KScope15, Jeff pointed out some new features including one for creating SSH tunnels using SQL Developer. SQL Developer is an all purpose (and free) development environment for the Oracle database. This feature looks like it should work regardless of whether or not you actually want to connect to an Oracle database. Yes, you can create SSH tunnels the traditional way using your favorite SSH command-line client. This post is not a pros/cons, dogs are better than cats, etc., and nobody should need therapy when we are done. This is just an intro to the feature. If you happen to be in the population of people who sometimes need to create SSH tunnels and you also happen to use SQL Developer then you may find this interesting. I am also making the following assumption...

Configuring SQL Developer for MySQL

Found Here: Configuring SQL Developer for MySQL I rant against Oracle products a lot in this blog, but I have to admit I actually like a few of their products. One of them is SQL Developer. Strangely though, the feature I kind of like best is that SQL Developer can connect to non-Oracle databases like MySQL. By  Rex Baldazo   |  in  Software Engineer ,  November 27, 2007, 9:56 AM PST RSS Comments   5 Facebook   8 Linkedin   Twitter   More I rant against Oracle products a lot in this blog, but I have to admit I actually like a few of their products. One of them is  SQL Developer . Strangely though, the feature I kind of like best is that SQL Developer can connect to non-Oracle databases like MySQL. This makes it a handy little multi-database GUI — you can have sessions in one UI ...