
Saving Postman Collection Test Results to a CSV File using Newman

From:   Saving Postman Collection Test Results to a CSV File using Newman ( Saving Postman Collection Test Results to a CSV File using Newman 25 Jun 2021 By   Kavindra Lunuwilage Using Postman, we can easily send a request and get a response from an API call within few seconds. But what if you need to save the Response or Test Status to a file using Postman? Now it is a problem, and you cannot do that with Postman. Unfortunately, Postman would not allow writing the responses to a file due to a security precaution that Postman has built in. But do not worry. There is a workaround to overcome this problem, and we will now explore it. Problem? In my current project, I was given a task to create an Execution Summary Document with API test run results. To do that, first, I need to remove the existing record in the field and replace it with a new data record. Thus, there were main two API calls, one is to remove the record, and the other is to add a new record. Also, I need to get